Mrs. Novak

Welcome to my world!! Let the fun begin.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Let the Crazyness Begin

Ok so tomorrow I will go to my school and meet the rest of the employees and get orientated. I have to be there at 7 a.m. bright eyed and bushy tailed. I have to up date you on my latest drama. Its kind of funny and so "just my luck."

I was eating corn nuts, you know those incredibly hard salty snacks that probably are best left on the store shelf...yeah, well I decided to eat a few and I broke my damn tooth. I was eating the crunchy snack when it felt like I had wedged a piece of it between one of my back molars. I went to investigate in a mirror when I couldn't get the stubborn crumb out with my finger nail and I discovered it was pretty tightly wedged. I reached for one of those flossing sticks and picked at it....then low and behold the piece came free, along with a chunk of my tooth. It broke all the way down o the gum line. I could not believe it. So I get to start tomorrow worrying about when I will be able to get to a dentist. I don't want to miss work on the first week!

I am so worried now. As if I don't have enough to worry about. My team leader says not to worry about it that I just need to focus on getting my tooth fixed before next Monday. I agree. I can not imagine trying to teach with a broken tooth or worse yet, it could get infected. So, that's what is on my mind right now. I just got my boys off to bed. They all start school tomorrow. The oldest will be starting high school. Part of me wishes I could be here to see them off and see them get off the bus at the end of the day but I will be on my own adventure a whole town away before they even leave the house.

This is a part of my apprehension. I know what I am doing is right for us, its the best I could be doing right now. A lot of people are losing their jobs and I am beginning one. I am very lucky. But I worry if my family is ready for all the changes. I think they are. I hope they are, but only time will tell how well they are adjusting. My youngest son will have to go to day care twice a week, which isn't bad considering alot of kids his age go five days a week. He is excited though. He went last semester when I was student teaching and he loved it. He calls it his wee! Its funny because we were out today and he actually asked if he could go to his wee. I couldn't help but smile. I hope his excitement for it lasts the entire year.

So I have scavenged my closet for the right first day outfit. I don't want to use any of the really good outfits until I actually start teaching. I also do want to be too over dressed because its just orientation and I want to be comfortable. A lot of people have warned me about over dressing. Its hard to know where that comfy middle line is. What is too much and what is too little. Fortunately, my school is pretty relaxed about it or so I hear. For tomorrow I will test the waters and dress somewhere in the middle of nice and casual. Hopefully I will get it right. Well now I have the challenge of getting my youngest so to sleep. I highly doubt it will happen though. See you next time.

Your Teacher

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